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Your Guide to Measuring Sectional Sofas: Dimensions

Are you looking to purchase a new sectional sofa? Measuring your space and the dimensions of your sectional sofa is essential to ensure that it fits perfectly in your home. Here is your guide to measuring sectional sofas: dimensions and placement.

When measuring your sectional sofa, consider the overall size of the sofa. This will include the total length as well as the height and width. Be sure to also measure any armrests, as well as the depth of the seating area.

It’s also important to measure the space in your room that you plan to place the sectional sofa in. You’ll want to measure the available space with a tape measure, and make sure that your sofa will fit comfortably in the room. Consider how much space you need for other furniture, such as side tables and a coffee table, and make sure to leave enough room for comfortable movement within the space.

When positioning your sofa, consider the room’s focal point. If your sofa will be placed against a wall, make sure the back of the sofa is facing the focal point. You’ll also want to consider the other seating in the room. Will the sectional be the main seating area, or will it be used as an additional seating option? This will help you determine how much space to leave between the sectional and other furniture in the room.

Finally, it’s important to take into account the placement of any electrical outlets or other access points near the sectional sofa. If there are any outlets near the sofa, you’ll want to make sure there’s enough room for the electrical cords and plugs. This can help you avoid an unpleasant surprise later on.

By taking the time to accurately measure your space and the sectional sofa, you can ensure you get the perfect fit for your home. With the right measurements and placement, your sectional sofa can be the perfect addition to your home.

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